If you don’t know your herbaceous perennials from your biennials but are looking for a gift for someone who enjoys gardening, we’ve compiled a few ideas that may help.

1. Royal Horticultural Society or Royal Caledonian horticultural Membership
With a magazine, special offers, seed lists, access to gardens and events across the year, this is a great gift for a gardening enthusiast.
Society here and here

2. Busy B Gardeners Journal
Help them keep track of planning and ideas. Outside needs to be organised too. Our journal and accompanying Garden To Do notes can help.

3. Suttons Seeds
A voucher for seeds always goes down well for gardeners who are looking for new plants to grow in the coming year. Suttons (Click here) do vouchers starting from just £25 pounds.

4. Personlised Garden Signs
Why not order a personalised garden sign? Delightful living do some really nice ones.

5. Gardeners hand soap
Nothing says we appreciate you more than a homemade gift. This is a quick and easy make that uses basic store cupboard ingredients.

You will need:
2 1/2 cups of sugar
1 cup of oil (sunflower, or olive work well)
4 tablespoons of lemon juice

Mix up the ingredients until you have a rough paste and pour into a sealable jar. Add a ribbon and for a special touch tie on a vintage spoon (easily found in good vintage shops). Label and keep out of direct sunlight.

Gardeners will love you for their silky smooth hands!

6. Knee pads
These may not be the most feminine kneepads but they come highly recommended from a Busy B garden enthusiast… and you can’t really go wrong at this price. Click here

7. Paper potter
An economic and purse-friendly alternative for planting enthusiasts to put those Sunday papers to good use. Click here

8. Bird baths
Ornamental and practical, birdbaths can make a great addition to any garden.

9. Bird Bee and Bug Houses
Know a handy gardner? This book has lots of simple fun ideas for turning a garden into a mini wildlife habitat. Buy it from the Eden project.

10. Gardeners Salve
This is another home made remedy which not only soothes a gardener’s hands but incorporates the natural anti bacterial properties of rosemary, tee tree and lavender.

You will need:
10 tbs olive oil
¼ cup of beeswax
3 tsp coconut oil

Mix these in a heatproof container in a small pan of shallow water. Once liquefied remove from the heat and add 8 drops each of lavender, tea tree and rosemary essential oils and a ½ tbs of vitamin e oil. Stir thoroughly and then pour into small containers. The oil will solidify. All you have to do is label them (perhaps using our very handy Busy B labels :)) Hopefully this will help get you organised for presents for gardeners.