Jemma from Twinkles and More shares her top tips on keeping organised as a busy mum

Hi there, I’m Jemma from Twinkles and More, a parenting and lifestyle blog. I’m a mum to three children (including 3-year old twins), I work part-time as a marketing manager and I’m currently training to run the London Marathon.

As a working mum, I’m constantly spinning lots of plates and being super organised is key to making sure the plates keep spinning! Here are my top tips for getting (and staying) organised:

1. Keep a diary – as a family of five we have lots of appointments and events, so keeping them all in one place is key. As soon as I make an appointment or receive a newsletter from school, I scribble all the necessary dates in my diary to ensure I don’t forget (since having children, my memory isn’t one of my strong points). I have a Busy B Busy Life Diary and it has changed our lives. There’s a fantastic month at a glance page for each month. Each week has two pages so I write work stuff on one side and home stuff on the other. As well as being practical, it’s beautiful too!

2. Plan all your meals in advance and order online – Just the thought of doing a full supermarket shop with my three children brings me out in a sweat! Every week I plan what we are going to eat, using the fab Busy B Weekly Planner Pad. I then order everything online. It saves time, money and as I’m always trying to eat well, it helps me stay on track with that too. Definitely a must for us! I love how I can rip off each week and either keep it in my diary, so it’s always to hand, or stick it on the fridge with the lovely magnets.

3. Respond to invites and messages ASAP – I often get a text or email, read it and then move on to something else, without replying. The same with invites to children’s parties. This means I’m often late at replying! The best way to avoid this is to ensure that you respond to messages and invites as soon as you receive them, or at least by the end of the day.

4. Get clothes and bags ready the night before – as you can imagine, mornings are pretty chaotic in our house. To make things run that bit smoother, I always ensure everyone’s clothes are out the night before. Doing this makes a real difference to ensuring we are all out of the house on time the next day.

5. Write a to-do list – every morning when I’m at work I write a list of everything I need to get done that day. It feels great crossing off tasks once I’ve done them. If I don’t manage to do everything, it rolls over to the next day. These gorgeous Busy B notebooks and pads are perfect for to-do lists.

So, there are my top tips for being super organised. What are yours?