Top Tips for Achieving Your Goals

We all have hopes and dreams that we’d like to come true, right? However, life sometimes gets in the way of these aspirations and they’re pushed to the sidelines. Here at Busy B, we believe that everyone has the ability to reach their goals, even if they’re really busy!

If you struggle to stay on track with your goals and want to make a change in your life, then effective planning and a realistic timeline may be the key to your success. So if you’re looking to learn a new skill, save for a house or wanting to get top marks at college, read about our top five tips for achieving your goals below!


Gone are the days of feeling guilty about not achieving your goal on time or falling off the bandwagon due to setting an unattainable goal. The best goals are ones that are realistic and achievable within your current lifestyle but can still push you out of your comfort zone. When setting a goal, it is a good idea to think about the purpose behind your goal and what you’re going to gain from achieving it. This will help to spur you on!

Deadlines are a good way of holding yourself accountable to your goal to ensure you reach it. We know how busy everyone is, so make sure you give yourself a reasonable timeline so you can achieve your goal even if you’re really busy.

Here at Busy B, we find it helps if we write our goals down and display them somewhere we will be reminded of them every day. Alternatively, you could write them down in your diary, phone, or on your daily to-do list.


Breaking down your goal into bite-size sections will help your journey to success much more manageable and less intimidating. Why not try working backwards from your end destination and thinking about the steps it takes to get there? Popping these mini-deadlines in your diary or notebook will help to keep you on track.

It is also important to anticipate the obstacles you may come across when attempting to reach your goal and how you will deal with these when faced with them.


Time management is absolutely key to smashing your goals so make sure you set aside time for working on them. There is no better time than right now to start achieving your goals! The perfect time will never come along so it’s best to be productive straight away.

– To avoid distraction, why not reduce your social media usage or time watching TV?

It is important to have a positive mindset towards your goal to keep you motivated, and we all know this can be really difficult. If you start to think negatively about your goals, don’t worry! Reframe it to a more positive one. If your diary is jam-packed for the day ahead and you’re worried you’re not going to complete everything, why not take ten minutes in the morning to plan and prioritise your tasks? This may help you to feel more optimistic about reaching your aim.


It is good practice to keep track of your goal and make sure you’re meeting your mini-goals along the way to achieving your primary goal. Reflecting weekly or monthly will ensure you’re on track. If you’re not meeting your deadlines then maybe your timeline just needs to be adjusted. If this is the case, there is no need to feel guilty, you’re still working towards your aim! Progress is still progress after all.


Having a reward for reaching the finish line will help to keep you motivated the whole way through the goal process. If you achieve your goal, then a celebration is definitely in order – you deserve it after all that hard work! Here are some of our favourite ways to treat ourselves after smashing our goals:

• Celebrating with friends and family

• A slice of cake

• A relaxing bath

• A trip away somewhere new

• Self-gifting a little something

woman holding a coffee on top of a notebook and a magazine

Now you’ve you read our top tips, you’re ready to go out and achieve your goals!